Saturday, December 1, 2012

Deck the Halls!

Our deck is built!! We can see so much from the deck - we are SO excited for dinners up there when the weather is nice, views of the fireworks on 4th of July and New Year's Eve, or just relaxing in the sun. You can see everything - vast views of the water, downtown skyline, Domino's Sugar sign, the Natty Boh guy, the pagoda, Ravens stadium, Johns Hopkins, everything!! It is perfect. If the weather was nice right now, we would take a bottle of wine up there to celebrate! But that's just's freezing out :)

We also did a walk-through with our contractor and the electrician to figure out where all the canned lights will go, where the lightswitches will be, and any other special lighting requests. We had originally had a line item in the budget for the master bathroom to have heated floors, but that was when we were picturing a MUCH more expansive bathroom than we ended up with. So we decided against that, which means we get to spend that allotted money somewhere else! Upgraded tile, perhaps?!

Still no neighbor updates. Sigh.