Sunday, September 9, 2012

Demo = Done!

I stopped by the house one day last week while they were in process of demo-ing. The demolition man (surprisingly not Sly Stone nor Wesley Snipes) was very nice and complimentary about our house’s “great bones and structure”. So I guess that’s good…?

Mike and I stopped by again today and the demo completely DONE! It’s very surreal to walk through a completely stripped-down house and try and imagine what it will be like in six months. We also had a meeting with Josh, Joe, and our builder Jon on Thursday night. We discussed the schedule, and Jon seems to think that if we get the permits this week - and there aren’t any other major delays – the house could be done by February 1st!! It would be so amazing if we could be in the house in February. Anyone want to rent a great house in Canton starting March 1st, with the best landlords around? J

We also discussed what decisions need to be made within the next month, since Mike and I are traveling so much. Unfortunately, it seems as though our Italy trip is coming at an inconvenient time – right around when we should be doing a walk-through before the framing to make the final layout. I hope that we can get it done before our trip! I would hate to think that we would be the reason for any hold-up.

Here are some pictures of the demo-ed house!! Exciting!!

Look Mom! No stairs!

Looking down into the basement

Mike is checking things out

Watch out for that first step - it's a doozy!

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