Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Frame is the Name of the Game

After our meeting last Sunday with the contractors, we had another one set up for Thursday. We couldn’t believe how much got done on Monday through Thursday! The whole second floor is framed up, and they framed up the first floor on Friday. Crazy that it sat empty for a month...and yet now that things are going, it is moving so fast!

Overall, we’re pretty psyched about the layout. Because of the placement of the stairs, we just couldn’t figure out how to get a double vanity in the master bathroom, unless we wanted to eat more into our walk-in closet, which we weren’t willing to compromise on. But as I mentioned before, we got a bonus of a walk-in closet in the guest room, so there is something good that came out of it!

One of Mike’s big concerns was how the stairs all work together – the stairs to the basement, the stairs to the second floor, and the stairs leading outside to the rooftop deck. I have to admit, I still don’t fully understand how they all work together, but Mike is very happy. Our concern was that we want the first floor as wide open as possible from the front door to the back of the house, without compromising too much space upstairs. And we didn’t want the transition from the second floor to the rooftop deck to be awkward. It seems like it'll all work out!
The addition is built out!

Master bedroom - check out the cool tray ceiling and the bay window! We'll probably put in a nice built-in cozy bench with storage underneath the window. How fun will it be to curl up there during a storm and read a book??

This is the second floor, looking to the front of the house. Guest room closet is in the foreground, then the bathroom, then opening for the stairs, then the master.

Guest room addition!

The first floor, looking towards the kitchen and back of the house. We are measuring to see if we'll actually be able to fit a coat closet - that may be another tough decision we'll have to make - coat closet or pantry? We won't have room for both. Mike is leaning towards pantry, I'm leaning towards coat closet. We'll see!
This is the first floor, looking to the front of the house. It's a little hard to see, but the coffered ceiling in the front room is framed out - we love that look and are so excited to see the finished product!

And now, some more frustrating news on the neighbor. Mike and I spoke with her again for about 45 minutes on Thursday, and at first she said “I’ve made up my mind, and I’m just not comfortable with it.” That was a terrible moment - I thought for sure we were completely screwed, and our only remaining hope would be the law change. Despite hearing a definite "no", we continued the conversation with her, asking what she thought about Joe offering her money, and tried to talk to her about what we could do to make her comfortable with everything. She said that she doesn't want our money, because she is saying no because she's uncomfortable, not because she wants something out of us. She just isn’t budging very much at all. But by the end of the conversation, we had at least gotten her to say “let me think about it some more and get back to you.” So…hope is not ALL lost, but I’m not sure what can possibly happen to make her change her mind. I think one thing that we are going to do is place a call to our city councilman to try and get him to call her. He is the one who is trying to pass the new law, so we know that he’ll be on our side. And she called him earlier to find out more about the law, so at least she’s taking this seriously and we also hope this means that she respects him enough that she would listen to him.

The new law would not state that we don’t need her input at all…it would require us to send via certified mail an envelope that contains engineer-signed drawings of the basement, proof of insurance, etc. The neighbor then has 10 days to contest the rehab. If they do nothing, we can proceed as planned. If the neighbor contests, they must have a LEGITIMATE reason for doing so. I have a feeling that our neighbor’s concern that her house will fall down is not a legitimate reason (because it won’t!).

Unfortunately, it's putting a bit of a damper on the whole process. I have moments of being super-excited, and then in the back of my head, I think "but we may never actually live in this house".  I almost just wish we HAD a definite answer because if it ends up being that we can't build out the basement, we'd need to figure out if we're getting out of this whole thing now, selling it when it's done, or renting it out when it's done. And we have NO idea how the contract would work, since our contractors can't hold up their end of the bargain. But we'll keep going through the motions, and hope hope hope that we eventually move into this house!

So to keep up with our optimistic side, we are meeting with our kitchen designer on Thursday!! We'll measure out where the stove, fridge and sink will go, and we'll start the conversation about cabinets. Very exciting!

Oh, and fingers crossed that Hurricane Sandy takes an unexpected turn out to sea and everyone on the east coast is A-OK! The contractors don't seem too concerned...when I asked what they are doing to protect the house from Sandy, they said "it'll get wet!". Okay...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can comment! I LOVE this blog, and always see your posting before you even tell us that you've updated. I'm glad things are coming along, love the pics. Be safe the next couple of days!! Hope it survives the storm. Love you! ~Kate
