Friday, August 24, 2012

Best Guest Blogger Ever

So, I’ve only written three posts for this blog, and have only sent this link to one person, but ALREADY I have the best guest blogger with a featured spot today. She was so excited for us to close today, she wrote us a song. Ladies and gentleman, Mrs. Alice Ockleshaw Phillips:
Closing Day (sung to the tune of Closing Time by some random one-hit wonder band I can't recall) (Editor’s note: the band name is Semisonic)

Closing day
Time to put your signatures to endless pieces of paper.
Closing day

Now you have more B-more houses than every boy and every girl.
Closing time
One last call for currency so empty your wallets and purse.
Closing time
You now have a new home but you CAN'T STAY THERE! :-)

ConGRATS on your brand new fancy home!
ConGRATS on your brand new fancy home!
ConGRATS on your brand new fancy home!

Fan-cee home....

The end

1 comment:

  1. even though i had read this months ago, this just made me laugh out loud. alice, you amaze. and yes, i am going back through every blog post to catch up :)
