Thursday, August 16, 2012


We have the closing date for the house! It was touch-and-go there for a while – negotiating the contract, settling on a final lay-out that we like, getting a crappy appraisal price, not seeing proper insurances for the contractor – but we are back on track! We even have a time table and completion date – March 15th. Y’all are invited to a St. Patrick’s Day party at our new house!! Just kidding – we are fully aware of the fact that March 15th is a very arbitrary date, and it would be shocking if it was actually completed by then. And I KNOW we won’t be organized enough to be having any sort of party!!

Speaking of, we had been agonizing over the thought of selling our house while going through this process. What if it sells too early and we are homeless? What if it sells too late and we are paying two mortgages for six months? How will we have enough time to be picking out everything at the new house, while accomplishing all the little things that need to get done at our current house to sell it? (Not to mention trying to keep it spotlessly clean nonstop!)

So we had a real estate agent come in to help us evaluate. It’s not surprising that the price she thought we should put it on the market for was less than we were hoping. So, we made the decision: we are just going to rent our house out for a year or so, and see what happens to the market. This way, we have more control over our schedule, we don’t have to spend a ton of time perfecting the house, and we can leave dirty dishes in the sink once in a while J And hopefully the market will turn around in a couple of years and we can sell it at a higher price. It is not ideal for us to own three houses within about six blocks of each other, but oh well! We have planned to keep the Foster house for a while as an investment property, but we will most likely sell the Glover house as soon as the market gets better.
Who knew Mike and I would become such land barons in Canton?

1 comment:

  1. You guys are property magnates. I'm calling you the Trumpsingers from now on.
