Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's showtime!

Tomorrow is the big day – CLOSING DAY! I can’t believe that this day has finally arrived – we started this process with Joe back in April, but Mike and I have talked moving or upgrading for much longer. So excited!!

We have been doing little things to prepare for all of the decisions that we are going to have to start making soon. We’ve been talking to people about ideas, I started a Pinterest  page, and we’ve started researching wood floors, since that will be one of our most important and expensive decisions we’ll have to make. Who knew so many factors went into flooring – hardness, color, width, variance, reaction to sunlight, etc. Mike is really set on getting super-hard floors, which of course means more money. But we don’t have any pets, and it’s not like I’m always walking around the house in stilettos or anything. So I’m not convinced that we need to spend the extra money. A good compromise is getting the distressed look for the floors – that way if there are a few dents here and there, it looks like they should have been there all along!
I’m leaning towards dark floors with a wide plank, but that could make our rowhouse look smaller than if we used narrow planks. I had also really thought I’d want dark cabinets in the kitchen, and I think the house would be too dark if we had dark floors AND dark cabinets. So maybe we can put light tile in the kitchen so we can have those dark cabinets? Decisions, decisions…we’ll have to make some of these final decisions SOON! Exciting!!

One cool thing about tomorrow is that we got $2000 towards our closing costs through a Live Near Your Work incentive program. All I had to do was spend about six hours on an online class, and then met with a housing counselor one-on-one. Since I had already bought a house, it was a bit repetitive. But I wish I had known about it when I bought my first house, because it did have a lot of helpful information. That $2000 is split between my company and the city.
I’m so excited to get into our new (old) house tomorrow or Saturday and take the “before” pictures! It will be SO much fun to compare them to the new pictures in six or seven months! I’ll also be posting our floorplans and asking for opinions. Yay!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Closing day! Congrats!
    p.s. more pictures please
