Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Lay-Out

Decisions are coming at us so fast! The framing is all done, so I thought I'd give you a tour of our house before the drywall goes up, which should be this week! I feel like the drywall will make it feel like a real house, instead of the construction site it has felt like for the last six (!!) months. It's all very exciting!

Without further adieu, our house pre-drywall:
The scaffolding is back up! They are fixing the cornice, and putting on the final coat of exterior paint. We need to decide what color we are going to use - it has to be "historic" colors, so we're not even sure what that means. But we need to make a decision by tomorrow, so hopefully we figure something out! It's tough when Mike is out of town...he's on a 10-day trip, which makes it tough to make decisions!

Walking into the house, we love the open layout that is: living room, dining room, kitchen, with upstairs and downstairs on the right.

Standing in the kitchen, you can see our pantry! We are debated whether to make that  coat closet or a pantry, but ultimately decided to make it a pantry. Now you can also see the stairs going down better.
Standing again in the kitchen, you can see the great exposed brick, huge front window, and can kind of see the coffered ceilings.
When you  walk down the basement stairs, you enter into our TV room downstairs. There is a storage closet on the front right, and some light from the window (it's not going to be as covered - there is plywood on it now).
I didn't know how to demonstrate the layout with the plywood up, so excuse my lame rastafarian attempt :) This is the basement, standing in the TV room.
Now we are right at the top of the upstairs, looking at the master bedroom. Mike's closet (although he'll argue with this...more about that later) is first, then the master bath, then our room with the bay window!
At the top of the stairs, looking towards the guest room. Bathroom in the foreground, and MY closet beyond that.
TAA-DAA!! My beautiful, large, walk-in closet!! Mike pretends like he's going to get this closet, but we all know who will REALLY get it :)
So that's it! We have a LOT of decisions coming up - paint color, appliances, and TILE! Lots and lots of tile - three bathrooms, basement floor, kitchen backsplash, and entryway. That's what my next post will be about - stay tuned!

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