Sunday, March 31, 2013

Less than one month!

We are less than a month away until our house is done! Here is what is left to do:
  • Tile the bathrooms and basement
  • Cabinets get delivered tomorrow!
  • Cabinets installed
  • Paint
  • Install Granite
  • Lay the hardwood floors
  • Install appliances
  • Install lighting and plumbing fixtures
  • Final inspections and punch out!
Of course, before all of these have to happen, we have to pick out all of this stuff! We picked out our granite this weekend, which looks like this:
This was a nice compromise between Mike and me. He wanted a light color, I wanted some black/dark colors incorporated. This is a light granite and splashes of black! Hopefully it will look great with the white cabinets and dark hardware!

For the paint, our contract states that we have to paint the whole house one color (not ideal, but we can always go back and paint certain rooms a different color). So we decided to go with a light gray, and these are some of our color samples that we painted:
 We are leaning towards the second one from the left...
We are having some trouble with hardwood floors. This is our inspiration picture for the hardwood floors:
But anything that we've found that is similar to this are over budget....WAY over budget. Not sure why it is so hard to find this color and width! We're going to keep searching...

We haven't really done much research on appliances and lighting. We have been playing it safe with a lot of our choices, so we want to be a bit more bold with lighting - lots of fun colors and/or patterns.
There have been some updates to the house to show as well! One weight off of our shoulders was renting our current house! The new house will be done at the end of April, and our new tenants signed a lease to move in May 15. That is a big relief! Other updates:

Guest room bathroom is fully tiled!

 Basement floor is tiled

Crown molding on the coffered ceiling

And the piece de resistance...our GORGEOUS master bath! We went a little nuts with the marble, but we're psyched on how it turned out. This shower will have a rain shower and one on the wall. Will feel so luxurious!



  1. Megs! Your house looks ridic!!!! I cannot wait to see the finally final pics with furniture and whatnot. Would it creep you out to come home one day and find me in your master shower? I promise I'll wear a bathing suit. Wait, I can't promise that. So exciting! (the house, not me in the shower). xoxox

  2. ha! I was going to say, even though I'm going to need to test out that master shower...
