Monday, March 25, 2013

Pictures and Captions

We have closet shelves! And the beginning of tile work! It's SO exciting!!!

I'll let the pictures (and captions) do the talkin' for me.

Oh.My.Gosh. Have you ever seen a more beautiful closet? Ok, I'm sure the answer is yes since it's not painted or filled up...but still. I can't WAIT to organize all my clothes and accessories!! Super-duper exciting!!!

Mike's closet. Also beautiful and amazing! We will both have PLENTY of space for our stuff, plus more!

Shelving for our lovely pantry!

Tilework for the basement bathroom. We went simple and classic for two reasons: 1) we like the look and 2) we blew the budget on the master bath tile...

...the beginning of which looks like this! Marble, marble everywhere - it will be gorgeous!



  1. Wow guys looks fantastic! Glad it's coming along so quickly. - Tom and Kim

  2. oops, playing catch up! Even though I was there a few weeks later, I didn't get to see up or down stairs, can't wait til June 21!
