Wednesday, May 1, 2013


It finally happened! Mike and I were FINALLY able to enjoy our first glass of wine on the new deck. The deck was one of the first things on the house to be built, so it's been there since about September. But the tricky contractors never put in steps, so it was a bit tumultuous to get up there. It was certainly not possible to finagle a bottle of wine up there without serious risk! And last weekend, the torrential rain prohibited us from going up there. But it is!

CHEERS!!! We still used plastic wine glasses...just to be sure :)

Other than that, there isn't TOO much to report. The biggest news is that we have our final walk-through on Saturday! Good thing too, since we still have movers lined up to move us the following Saturday. We also have electricity, so it's nice to finally see the bathrooms in real light, instead of just our cell phone flashlights. Some other updates...

Pendant lights are hung in the kitchen! If you've read previous entries of the blog, you know they aren't our first choice, but they are fine. 
Hardwood floors are STILL covered up and remain a mystery, but we did pull back some paper to get a glimpse. They are lookin' good! And our contractor, who is great but not what I would call "enthusiastic", said that they look really good. Yay!
We still have had little decisions here and there to make, such as picking out a mailbox! We are so ready to not make so many little decisions (most of which we don't care too much about) every day. It'll be nice!
The main things that still need to get done (that I can tell) are all in the kitchen: the backsplash, the hood, and the decorative pieces for the cabinets. I know that they'll at least by done by Saturday - can't wait to see how it all looks!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to have wine on your roof top with you!
