Monday, May 13, 2013

Moving Day!

Well, my loyal reader friends, the day finally came. Nine months of excitement, fear, doubt, joy, disappointment, anxiety, stress, happiness, learning, and 10,479 decisions...and we finally made it. MOVING DAY ARRIVED!
Mike was supposed to capture me actually jumping, but this will suffice :)

Good morning Optima Movers! Thanks for being amazing and working SO hard and fast, not breaking anything, and not being very expensive. Highly recommend!

Mike and the Moving Truck (a good band name??)

Le sigh. As excited as we are to move to this house that we've poured our hearts and souls into, we will miss our Glover Street house. A lot of fantastic memories from this place! Mike was living here when we fell in love, then I moved in after we got engaged. So many holidays, memories, and laughter were shared together here.

Some celebratory Veuve on the rooftop deck, compliments of my awesome, thoughtful friend Pam. Thanks!

I am SO excited for my next post - a whole before-and-after spread! It will take me a while to go back and figure all of that out, and since we don't have internet at the house yet, it might be a few more days. Hold on tight! I'll leave you with a sneak peak to leave you wanting more :)
Walking in the front door...BEFORE
Walking in the front door...AFTER. Not one thing is the same - stairs moved to the other side of the house, open floor plan, all new walls and floors and ceilings and lights and cabinets and appliances and cable and speakers and countertops...


1 comment:

  1. LOOOOOOVE! The floors look amazing! I cannot even believe that's the same place. Well done, guys! Your loyal fan base demands more photos, and soon! xoxo
